Nathaniel Gaynor

Taking Podcasting by the Long-Tail

A heartbeat away from obscurity, one podcast has busted down the door for a profitable, rising storytelling sub-genre. Thanks to Serial, podcasting is enjoying a resurgence of popularity – and making money. Popular podcaster Adam Carolla who hosts a show called “The Adam Carolla Show” told CBS News he expected to generate $5 million in… Continue reading Taking Podcasting by the Long-Tail

Nathaniel Gaynor

Changes Big and Small: Innovating for a Digital Tomorrow

Innovation in the media happens every day. Look at Snapchat. A year or so ago, it was an app where you could send videos and selfies to your friends, and not much else. Over the course of this past year or two, Snapchat has added group stories where you can post your Snapchats under a… Continue reading Changes Big and Small: Innovating for a Digital Tomorrow

Nathaniel Gaynor

The Times must Evolve, not Devolve

There is no question that the Internet, social media and the digital age in general have turned newspapers on their side and then rolled them down a hill. People no longer have to turn to The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal for all of their news when they can pull up Twitter on their phone or Facebook on… Continue reading The Times must Evolve, not Devolve

Nathaniel Gaynor

Vox Leads a Technological, Educational Revolution

I first heard of Vox in the summer of 2014 when my favorite television writer, Todd Vanderwerff, left The AV Club to become the Culture Editor at Vox. I read so much of his work that I have a link to Vanderwerff’s article page in my bookmarks. Early on, I read mostly the cultural news and… Continue reading Vox Leads a Technological, Educational Revolution

Nathaniel Gaynor

Discoverability and Longevity – Podcasting’s Place in a Crowded Market

The first time I ever started listening to a podcast regularly was during the run of ABC’s Lost in the mid-2000’s. The two men that ran the show Lost, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, hosted a podcast every week in which they would discuss the previous episode of the show and answer fan mail questions. Naturally, me… Continue reading Discoverability and Longevity – Podcasting’s Place in a Crowded Market

Nathaniel Gaynor

The Convergence of Voices: Why Long Form Still Matters

The collapse of The New Republic looks to be a pretty big deal. From what I’ve read, it looks that Chris Hughes’ attempts to bring the popular liberal magazine into the 21st century failed. According to alumni of the magazine, Hughes destroyed the publication with his attempts to add new technology to The New Republic‘s set way of telling… Continue reading The Convergence of Voices: Why Long Form Still Matters

Nathaniel Gaynor

What is Virtual Reality’s Path to Success in News?

By Nathaniel Gaynor After reading The 7 Biggest Challenges Facing the News Industry in 2016 in FastCompany, there was one specific challenge I was most struck by: virtual reality. Virtual reality has long been a futuristic technology that we as a society have been barreling towards since the turn of the century (and likely earlier). The… Continue reading What is Virtual Reality’s Path to Success in News?

Nathaniel Gaynor

Change Might Not Be the Worst Thing

Reviewing the information outlined in Pew’s State of the News Media, 2015, I found myself consistently impressed with the fact that the news is still an important powerful aspect of consumers’ daily lives. I found this especially true amidst the doom-and-gloom rhetoric about the death of journalism many were predicting just a few years earlier.… Continue reading Change Might Not Be the Worst Thing