Casey Harrison

What I learned from (trying) to build an enterprise

When I was sitting with my classmates discussing what product we were going to develop for our media entrepreneurship class, I don’t think any of us realized what we were in for. We settled on a podcast, because why not? Everyone is making one these days and if you have any resemblance of media knowledge,… Continue reading What I learned from (trying) to build an enterprise

Casey Harrison

The advice I heard from Uncle Bob echoes to this day

When I told my family way back in high school I wanted to go into sports reporting, the best advice I’ve ever got came from Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob’s message was very clear: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” But what the hell makes him qualified? Well, he’s by far the most… Continue reading The advice I heard from Uncle Bob echoes to this day

Casey Harrison · Uncategorized

Let’s start a startup (actually, let’s not and say we did)

If I had a dollar, or a dime, a nickel or penny or whatever small denomination of currency you wish to use for every time I heard someone say, We should start a podcast, I would be rich enough to never need to use that dumb cliche ever again. That phrase should win an award… Continue reading Let’s start a startup (actually, let’s not and say we did)

Casey Harrison

I was told to find a path out of journalism, but that’s the last thing I’m going to do

I was getting ready to leave the Breslin Center on Michigan State’s campus on a Monday afternoon a few weeks back when I stopped to chat with a mentor of mine. I asked him about the Free Press’ summer internship and the best way to apply. He told me some names, but at the end… Continue reading I was told to find a path out of journalism, but that’s the last thing I’m going to do

Casey Harrison

The lightbulb that went off at The Hatch

When listening to Paul Jaques discuss the continuing entrepreneurial success of Michigan State students who come to The Hatch, there was one phrase in particular that stuck with me. Jaques, the Director of Student and Community Engagement for The Hatch — a coworking space owned by MSU for students to share, collaborate and develop business… Continue reading The lightbulb that went off at The Hatch

Casey Harrison · Uncategorized

The state of the news and the (continual) decline of newsprint circulation

Being a student at Michigan State, I always find it a pleasant surprise whenever I find a newsstand and see all of that days’ papers gone. But its never on an everyday basis. I remember growing up and having to get the local daily paper for my parents at the foot of the driveway. Those… Continue reading The state of the news and the (continual) decline of newsprint circulation