Hannah Brenner

I did it! I started my own business

I learned more in this class than in any of my other classes. I can say that definitively. I started the semester off working on a travel blog and ended with a social media marketing business that already has a client. I can’t even believe how far I came. I didn’t even create Denalicat Media in one semester; I created it in half a semester. I was able to do that because I understood the material and actually knew how to apply it to real world situations, which I find incredibly cool.

I did not grow up knowing anyone that was an entrepreneur. My Grandpa does own an electrical resources business, but I never had any interest in it and I still don’t know much about it. For some reason I was never curious about it, but I am now and plan on talking to him about it soon. I never once considered entrepreneurship as a career option because I simply never thought about it. Because of this, I truly started this class with a blank slate and I now see that as an attainable goal.

The class where we spoke with Abigail Bassett made an impact. After I listened to her speak about her job and what it takes to freelance, I pretty much immediately got to work. In addition to the 5 hour/week social media position I held I now have a stable freelancing job. I curate 8 articles a week for three clients through a social media marketing company based out of Toronto.

I have been working my butt off the last two weeks trying to curate a month’s worth of articles for the two clients I was originally given in half the time. I did it, and they love me. They gave me another client based on my “excellent work and exceptional communication skills.” I’m hoping they continue to add more, and this entire new source of income stemmed from the excitement I felt after hearing Bassett speak.

The biggest thing I get out of this class was confidence. I know that without it Denalicat Media would still be something to consider for the future, and I doubt it would have truly happened. As I have discussed in my previous blog posts, I think I perform better when I formally learn something before I try it, rather than jumping right in. This was both, and the combo worked very well. Now that I’ve had the formal training from the class and the experience jumping right in I feel like I’m ready to pursue this!

I checked the numbers and the Instagram account I now run for my first client, VDM, has gained over 75 followers in the two weeks since I took over. That’s another confidence boost. Not only did I start a business and get a client, but I’m succeeding in my work. I think having an idea how small businesses and startups tick will help me market them in my own business. I think I can form a solid, educated elevator pitch for myself when speaking with small business owners/potential clients.

Most of all, I’m excited. I know these skills will help me in any position for any business. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to my friends when they told me I should switch this class for one that didn’t have class on Fridays (joke’s on them) and I’m really thrilled I chose to work on my own. It was absolutely more work to complete this class by myself, but now I’m coming out of it with something that is mine.

I really want to thank you, Amy Haimerl, for putting so much into this class. I have had some wonderful professors here at MSU, but none of them have put so much time and effort into a class I’ve taken. That translated to everyone taking the class.

Through all the ridiculousness that happened to me this semester from surgery to Tulsa to the bed bugs next door, I never lost my enthusiasm for learning the material. It also might be the only class I have taken that all of the students seemed involved and enthusiastic. You created a really cool, supportive environment that directly connects to the real world I’ll officially be entering in a few days.  Thank you.

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